Monday, 12 July 2010

Sunday, 11 July 2010


I want to be outside and to move freely. To talk with strangers and make friends. To be near water and breeze. To wear thin cloth and to be loved. To ride my bicycle and smile at the people and animals I pass. To be understood and to understand. To be OK with being misunderstood. To live through books and to write them. To grow green life and live on its sustenance. To be charismatic and to be charmed. To laugh uncontrollably. To drink strong coffee and eat too many sweet berries. Let the seasons wash over me and the thoughts sail through calmly….
On cold days sunbathe; on hot days give warmth.


Friday, 2 July 2010

Pensive Limbo Vigil

A pensive limbo vigil
Tempered by grey skies 
  you tingle upon my lips, a promise I keep for myself alone.

 for you I’ll feign goodness and light, until they become ‘me’
And we are love.
Look at my garden, eat my green things and grow intoxicated by these sweet berry scents.
Be my everything today.
Night rain window sill serenade
Let’s over whelm each other
Let lust feed us, leave food for the lonely
Taste my tears when you are thirst
Your sweat will quench mine

© 2010